Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

Uses of Class

Packages that use Retention
java.beans Contains classes related to developing beans -- components based on the JavaBeansTM architecture. 
java.lang Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java programming language. 
java.lang.annotation Provides library support for the Java programming language annotation facility. 
javax.annotation.processing Facilities for declaring annotation processors and for allowing annotation processors to communicate with an annotation processing tool environment. 
javax.jws.soap Provides the core classes for the Java Management Extensions. 
javax.xml.bind.annotation Defines annotations for customizing Java program elements to XML Schema mapping. 
javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters XmlAdapter and its spec-defined sub-classes to allow arbitrary Java classes to be used with JAXB. This package contains the core JAX-WS APIs. This package defines APIs specific to the SOAP binding. This package defines SPIs for JAX-WS. 

Uses of Retention in java.beans

Classes in java.beans with annotations of type Retention
 interface ConstructorProperties
          An annotation on a constructor that shows how the parameters of that constructor correspond to the constructed object's getter methods.

Uses of Retention in java.lang

Classes in java.lang with annotations of type Retention
 interface Deprecated
          A program element annotated @Deprecated is one that programmers are discouraged from using, typically because it is dangerous, or because a better alternative exists.
 interface Override
          Indicates that a method declaration is intended to override a method declaration in a superclass.
 interface SuppressWarnings
          Indicates that the named compiler warnings should be suppressed in the annotated element (and in all program elements contained in the annotated element).

Uses of Retention in java.lang.annotation

Classes in java.lang.annotation with annotations of type Retention
 interface Documented
          Indicates that annotations with a type are to be documented by javadoc and similar tools by default.
 interface Inherited
          Indicates that an annotation type is automatically inherited.
 interface Retention
          Indicates how long annotations with the annotated type are to be retained.
 interface Target
          Indicates the kinds of program element to which an annotation type is applicable.

Uses of Retention in javax.annotation

Classes in javax.annotation with annotations of type Retention
 interface Generated
          The Generated annoation is used to mark source code that has been generated.
 interface PostConstruct
          The PostConstruct annotation is used on a method that needs to be executed after dependency injection is done to perform any initialization.
 interface PreDestroy
          The PreDestroy annotation is used on methods as a callback notification to signal that the instance is in the process of being removed by the container.
 interface Resource
          The Resource annotation marks a resource that is needed by the application.
 interface Resources
          This class is used to allow multiple resources declarations.

Uses of Retention in javax.annotation.processing

Classes in javax.annotation.processing with annotations of type Retention
 interface SupportedAnnotationTypes
          An annotation used to indicate what annotation types an annotation processor supports.
 interface SupportedOptions
          An annotation used to indicate what options an annotation processor supports.
 interface SupportedSourceVersion
          An annotation used to indicate the latest source version an annotation processor supports.

Uses of Retention in javax.jws

Classes in javax.jws with annotations of type Retention
 interface HandlerChain
          Associates the Web Service with an externally defined handler chain.
 interface Oneway
          Indicates that the given @WebMethod has only an input message and no output.
 interface WebMethod
          Customizes a method that is exposed as a Web Service operation.
 interface WebParam
          Customizes the mapping of an individual parameter to a Web Service message part and XML element.
 interface WebResult
          Customizes the mapping of the return value to a WSDL part and XML element.
 interface WebService
          Marks a Java class as implementing a Web Service, or a Java interface as defining a Web Service interface.

Uses of Retention in javax.jws.soap

Classes in javax.jws.soap with annotations of type Retention
 interface SOAPBinding
          Specifies the mapping of the Web Service onto the SOAP message protocol.
 interface SOAPMessageHandlers
          Deprecated. As of JSR-181 2.0 with no replacement.

Uses of Retention in

Classes in with annotations of type Retention
 interface DescriptorKey
          Meta-annotation that describes how an annotation element relates to a field in a Descriptor.
 interface MXBean
          Annotation to mark an interface explicitly as being an MXBean interface, or as not being an MXBean interface.

Uses of Retention in javax.xml.bind.annotation

Classes in javax.xml.bind.annotation with annotations of type Retention
 interface XmlAccessorOrder
           Controls the ordering of fields and properties in a class.
 interface XmlAccessorType
           Controls whether fields or Javabean properties are serialized by default.
 interface XmlAnyAttribute
           Maps a JavaBean property to a map of wildcard attributes.
 interface XmlAnyElement
          Maps a JavaBean property to XML infoset representation and/or JAXB element.
 interface XmlAttachmentRef
          Marks a field/property that its XML form is a uri reference to mime content.
 interface XmlAttribute
           Maps a JavaBean property to a XML attribute.
 interface XmlElement
          Maps a JavaBean property to a XML element derived from property name.
 interface XmlElementDecl
          Maps a factory method to a XML element.
 interface XmlElementRef
           Maps a JavaBean property to a XML element derived from property's type.
 interface XmlElementRefs
          Marks a property that refers to classes with XmlElement or JAXBElement.
 interface XmlElements
           A container for multiple @XmlElement annotations.
 interface XmlElementWrapper
          Generates a wrapper element around XML representation.
 interface XmlEnum
           Maps an enum type Enum to XML representation.
 interface XmlEnumValue
          Maps an enum constant in Enum type to XML representation.
 interface XmlID
           Maps a JavaBean property to XML ID.
 interface XmlIDREF
           Maps a JavaBean property to XML IDREF.
 interface XmlInlineBinaryData
          Disable consideration of XOP encoding for datatypes that are bound to base64-encoded binary data in XML.
 interface XmlList
          Used to map a property to a list simple type.
 interface XmlMimeType
          Associates the MIME type that controls the XML representation of the property.
 interface XmlMixed
           Annotate a JavaBean multi-valued property to support mixed content.
 interface XmlNs
           Associates a namespace prefix with a XML namespace URI.
 interface XmlRegistry
          Marks a class that has XmlElementDecls.
 interface XmlRootElement
          Maps a class or an enum type to an XML element.
 interface XmlSchema
           Maps a package name to a XML namespace.
 interface XmlSchemaType
          Maps a Java type to a simple schema built-in type.
 interface XmlSchemaTypes
           A container for multiple @XmlSchemaType annotations.
 interface XmlSeeAlso
          Instructs JAXB to also bind other classes when binding this class.
 interface XmlTransient
           Prevents the mapping of a JavaBean property/type to XML representation.
 interface XmlType
           Maps a class or an enum type to a XML Schema type.
 interface XmlValue
           Enables mapping a class to a XML Schema complex type with a simpleContent or a XML Schema simple type.

Uses of Retention in javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters

Classes in javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters with annotations of type Retention
 interface XmlJavaTypeAdapter
          Use an adapter that implements XmlAdapter for custom marshaling.
 interface XmlJavaTypeAdapters
           A container for multiple @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotations.

Uses of Retention in

Classes in with annotations of type Retention
 interface Action
          The Action annotation allows explicit association of a WS-Addressing Action message addressing property with input, output, and fault messages of the mapped WSDL operation.
 interface BindingType
          The BindingType annotation is used to specify the binding to use for a web service endpoint implementation class.
 interface FaultAction
          The FaultAction annotation is used inside an Action annotation to allow an explicit association of a WS-Addressing Action message addressing property with the fault messages of the WSDL operation mapped from the exception class.
 interface RequestWrapper
          Used to annotate methods in the Service Endpoint Interface with the request wrapper bean to be used at runtime.
 interface RespectBinding
          This feature clarifies the use of the wsdl:binding in a JAX-WS runtime.
 interface ResponseWrapper
          Used to annotate methods in the Service Endpoint Interface with the response wrapper bean to be used at runtime.
 interface ServiceMode
          Used to indicate whether a Provider implementation wishes to work with entire protocol messages or just with protocol message payloads.
 interface WebEndpoint
          Used to annotate the getPortName() methods of a generated service interface.
 interface WebFault
          Used to annotate service specific exception classes to customize to the local and namespace name of the fault element and the name of the fault bean.
 interface WebServiceClient
          Used to annotate a generated service interface.
 interface WebServiceProvider
          Used to annotate a Provider implementation class.
 interface WebServiceRef
          The WebServiceRef annotation is used to define a reference to a web service and (optionally) an injection target for it.
 interface WebServiceRefs
          The WebServiceRefs annotation allows multiple web service references to be declared at the class level.

Uses of Retention in

Classes in with annotations of type Retention
 interface Addressing
           This feature represents the use of WS-Addressing with either the SOAP 1.1/HTTP or SOAP 1.2/HTTP binding.
 interface MTOM
          This feature represents the use of MTOM with a web service.

Uses of Retention in

Classes in with annotations of type Retention
 interface WebServiceFeatureAnnotation
          Annotation used to identify other annotations as a WebServiceFeature.

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

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